Today, I went to Fort Gay, a little town across the river in West Virginia.I ttook my car to a garage to get it fixed. For about 3 months it has been making a noise in the front passenger side, sounded like a bearing, but we weren't sure, and we didn't have the money to get the parts to fix it ourselves, or the time. So finally (taxes) we got the money, I took it to get it fixed...$500 dollars ! Parts and labor. The front axle fell apart as they took it out, and the bearings were beaty to pieces by the bad axle. Go figure, huh? The mechanic said it was a wonder (miracle) that it didn't fly apart on the road. Since it started making the noise, we have went to Louisville 3 times (a 420 mile round trip) Ashland several times (60 miles round trip) and Paintsville several times 9a 40 mile round trip) on the interstate and highway, where you run 70 and 55 respectively. I credit it to God watching over me and my family. While my car was in the garage I multitasked and took 10 loads of laundry to the laundromat which is luckily just one street over from the service station. I haven't been getting a lot of laundry done here lately because somethuing has messed up on my gas dryer and it takes about 4 hours to dry a SMALL load of laundry. So 10 loads doesn't even make a dent in my mountain of laundry when you consider 5 people live and make messes here,lol. So Saturday, I went to Lowes in Paintsville and bought a new gas dryer, which of course wasn't in stock, and I also purchased a new gas cookstove because, oh yeah, my oven went out also. lol. We have had it rough here the past few weeks with everything going down...but I need to say that all the appliances in my house are 15-20 years old, so I guess replacing them isn't so bad.But to top everything off, my ankle, (the one I broke 8 years ago) has been absolutely throbbing the last few days, and now there is a bulge on it. The dr. who did the surgery said anything that had to be done to it after the surgery would be covered by the payments made then, so tommorrow I have to call him and see about getting it checked out. But I believe the good Lord takes care of us when we need him to, whether we know it or not, so one way or another, things will be fine! But oh yeah, the lady over at 5 dollar dinners is having a walmart gift card giveaway. Go check it out!
This time last year I was recuperating with a broken awful experience, so I hope your ankle gets better soon.
thank you Wanda, It feels some better today, I think maybe the weather, or arthritis is affecting it...but not sure.
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