Our puppies are growing, they get noisier every day. This is the bravest of all four, he likes to play king of the hill. He gets up there and the others try to knock him off.

Here, he is looking down at the others like he's telling them "come up here and try to knock me off" So brave.

I went to my friend Brenda's Beauty Shop in Louisa Thursday and got my hair cut off. Here is my new do. It is quite a bit shorter than it was, she took 8 inches off of it. Of course she had it looking pretty good, but I still can't do anything with it. lol.
Your haircut makes you look ready for spring and even younger than your profile photo! :) It's very nice.
I like the haircut. My hair was cut that way before.
I had my hair cut in a short bob about 9 months ago, but hubby HATED it. So now I am growing it back out. It grows so slow that it has finally reached my shoulders. I am currently looking into buns, because my hair is thin and stringy. I figure that at least I can wear it up right?
Thank you for your nice comments Amber. I bet your hills are beautiful in the spring!
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