Saturday, February 28, 2009

A must see movie

I just finished watching Fireproof, and it is a movie every Christian should watch. It IS about saving a marriage, but it could be applied to any kind of relationship that is in trouble. Now, I just need to convince my husband to watch it too. lol.

more cute puppies, and Cute Chickens? Are Chickens cute?

Do you see what I see in this picture? My tulips around my mailbox are coming up, and I am worried they won't make it through the cold spell we have coming up tonight and the first part of this week. So I went out today and put straw around them, hoping it will protect them...fingers crossed...maybe we won't get the 2-5 inches they have fore casted us for.
These are two of the 7 roosters we have. They are on death Seriously, we are going to butcher them and put them in the freezer to eat...chicken -n-dumplings anyone? mmmm good!

Here is a few cute pictures of puppies, or in the case of this one, puppy tails...this was about all I could get, because those lil boogers are fast...

Here's all 4 of them around Jobug's feet. They are rambunctious lil guys.

She found Luci's toy. Luci is the boxer who we can't keep chained, penned or anything. It is an insult to her if you have to put her up, she will find a way to get out.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More cute puppy pictures and a new do'!

Our puppies are growing, they get noisier every day. This is the bravest of all four, he likes to play king of the hill. He gets up there and the others try to knock him off.
Here, he is looking down at the others like he's telling them "come up here and try to knock me off" So brave.

I went to my friend Brenda's Beauty Shop in Louisa Thursday and got my hair cut off. Here is my new do. It is quite a bit shorter than it was, she took 8 inches off of it. Of course she had it looking pretty good, but I still can't do anything with it. lol.

Friday, February 20, 2009

dry clothes are...

Today, I finally get my brand spanking new clothes dryer! and gas range! I have been double spinning my clothes in the washer now for 2 weeks, and they still take 4-5 hours to dry. :(
I am so sick of not having clean dry clothes when I need them, lol.
Listen at me tho! This is the girl who used to have an old wringer washer on the back porch, and a very short clothesline..with 3 babies all under 4. wow huh?
We get so spoiled sooo quickly by our modern shortcuts and conveniences.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All tuckered out...

Today, I went to Fort Gay, a little town across the river in West Virginia.I ttook my car to a garage to get it fixed. For about 3 months it has been making a noise in the front passenger side, sounded like a bearing, but we weren't sure, and we didn't have the money to get the parts to fix it ourselves, or the time. So finally (taxes) we got the money, I took it to get it fixed...$500 dollars ! Parts and labor. The front axle fell apart as they took it out, and the bearings were beaty to pieces by the bad axle. Go figure, huh? The mechanic said it was a wonder (miracle) that it didn't fly apart on the road. Since it started making the noise, we have went to Louisville 3 times (a 420 mile round trip) Ashland several times (60 miles round trip) and Paintsville several times 9a 40 mile round trip) on the interstate and highway, where you run 70 and 55 respectively. I credit it to God watching over me and my family. While my car was in the garage I multitasked and took 10 loads of laundry to the laundromat which is luckily just one street over from the service station. I haven't been getting a lot of laundry done here lately because somethuing has messed up on my gas dryer and it takes about 4 hours to dry a SMALL load of laundry. So 10 loads doesn't even make a dent in my mountain of laundry when you consider 5 people live and make messes here,lol. So Saturday, I went to Lowes in Paintsville and bought a new gas dryer, which of course wasn't in stock, and I also purchased a new gas cookstove because, oh yeah, my oven went out also. lol. We have had it rough here the past few weeks with everything going down...but I need to say that all the appliances in my house are 15-20 years old, so I guess replacing them isn't so bad.But to top everything off, my ankle, (the one I broke 8 years ago) has been absolutely throbbing the last few days, and now there is a bulge on it. The dr. who did the surgery said anything that had to be done to it after the surgery would be covered by the payments made then, so tommorrow I have to call him and see about getting it checked out. But I believe the good Lord takes care of us when we need him to, whether we know it or not, so one way or another, things will be fine! But oh yeah, the lady over at 5 dollar dinners is having a walmart gift card giveaway. Go check it out!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Sorry for the blurry images, but thats what you get when you combine a 12 year old, a camera, and 4 wiggly squirmy, excited,hungry puppies.
My father in law had these pups, and he decided he couldn't take care of them due to his health, so we got them :).

And what do boys love more than anything? Puppies of course.

They are super cute. I am in love with them. If only they stayed puppies. But oh no, they have to grow up.
Like kids...too bad they can't stay little longer. I really took my time at home with my guys for granted when they were babies and toddlers, now they are teenagers and a "tween" and it is so scary knowing that in 2 years my oldest will be graduating highschool, going to college...ugh. I am gertting scared already. But all I know to do is cherish the time that the Good Lord has given us, and make the most of it.

I am Sooooo excited!

I got a follower today. You would think I had won a bunch of money, the way I whooo-hoooed! Thank you Jessica, at for deciding to follow me. And thank you God for leading her my way. You have a wonderful sight, I checked it out briefly, and I will be back. I love blogs, especially clean Christian ones. The type that my kids can read with me.
We got new puppies today, beagle puppies. They are about 9 weeks old, and so sweet. There are 2 boys and 2 girls. I had to give them worm medicine today, I hope I didn't overdose them, because they look so much alike, I could not tell them apart to remember if I had dosed them or not. They will be fine if I did though. I already called the vet and he said they would be. I will post pictures later today, I have to go back to town this evening to meet my husband to do some business.
Oh, and I got a surprise for renewing my driver's license last month...JURY DUTY...The first time ever that I have been called. But I figure it might be a change from my day to day stuff that I usually do,so why not. But more later, I got to get a note written for my kids, and get on the road.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The snow has finally melted here, as you can see from this picture, which was taken yesterday from the ridge beside the house. The boys went on another hike (it hit60 degrees here yesterday!) It was a gorgeous day at Mattie! In the picture, you can still see snow on the hills surrounding our house,but now it is almost all gone. There are a few icy spots, which I discovered this morning at 5:30 when I went out to start my husband's truck.

These are the strawberry cupcakes my boys made last week while we were snowed in.My boys are a rare breed. They actually like to cook. I had found heart shaped ?cupcake? pans at our local catholic charity store, and I really like using them, and so do the boys. They made the cupcakes, iced them, then they disappeared, the cupcakes, not the boys.

This is a picture they took yesterday while they were hiking. This is the spot where we go when we camp on our mountain. My husband sets up a zip line, and the boys have a ball riding that thing. I haven't worked up enough courage to try it yet...
But now I have gotta get cleaned up for Sunday School, which we haven't had in 2 weeks, and get some breakfast made for my three noodle heads, who by the way,are still asleep in their beds...not for long though!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chickens, weather, and hiking the back fifty

This is my Araucana pullet. She was a "gift" from my in-laws back in the late fall. We kept her in the house in my office in a cardboard box. When we finally put her outside in a pen by herself, it was cold. She has now been in that pen for 2 months, because every time we try to put her in with the other chickens, she gets pecked to death. They won't let her eat, she gets knocked off the roost, and the last time, they pecked off one of her toes. Chickens are mean, especially to the smaller ones. If you don't know what an Araucana chicken is, they are the ones that lay blue and green eggs. (I kid you not!) go to this link and read about them!
This is a view of our land from way back on the ridge behind the house. My kids were bored sick, so they asked, (begged) if they could go hiking around the ridge. So after much soul searching (yeah right! a chance to get them out of the house, and have the house to myself?) I said yes, but stay together, wear jackets, (yes, jackets, because it may be 50! degrees outside, but it is still the 1st day of February) and be careful. So they took off up this hill. (in below pic)

and they stayed together ^? There are supposed to be 3 boys, right?

And they wore jackets...tied around their waists.

But they did do one thing I asked...they took some really good pictures of each other and the winter landscape!