We received almost 6 inches of snow over this past week. I am tired of it. I want to see Spring arrive, flowers blooming, newborn calves being born, birds singing, and people planting gardens. And I want to get started on our new project, which is building a pond here. We have this holler, or ravine, way up behind our house, and all we need to do is dig it out a little bit, and dam up the front, then it could start filling in with water. The government says to let it fill up, wait 1 year, they will stock it with fish, then you wait another year to fish in it. I wonder if I could wait?

This is my 14 year old boy, my middle child, my mini me. He looks like me, acts like me, sounds alot like me, and we like most of the same things, except each other...no, not really, but we are so much alike it is hard for us to get along with each other. My mother cursed me when I was a child, she told me" One of these days, you will have a child that acts just like you, and you will see why I went gray so early." How true it is. For this blog, we will call him Sunflower boy. He is totally bored right now, he has been grounded for a week because of bad grades on his report card. So he is begging for things to do, unless of course you give him a job to do. I conned him into going out and taking pictures for me today, he took all the ones you will see today on here. So its only fair that his is on here too.

If you look really close at the picture of the road below, you will see that the road has not been touched bysnowplow, and hasn't been treated with melting agents. The sad thing about how covered it still is is that it is a
Blacktop County Road. But unfortunately, it deadends at my house. we live at the head of the holler, and there are 6 houses below us. Luckily, we can't see any of them from my house! But, living this far off the main road, when we get snow, we stay home. Well, we do, meaning the boys and myself. My Husband, whom we will call Treeman for this blog, works for a tree trimming company, so for the last three days, he has been on storm duty, and hasn't been getting in until midnight, going to bed, back up at 5 am, gone by 6 am.
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