A sister blogger, McMama and others, http://mckgiveaways.blogspot.com/ are giving away this wonderful computer, an HP TouchSmart 600 machine. You can win it too by going to the blog, above, and leaving a comment.
Hi! I am Amber, from Eastern Kentucky. I am 34 years old, mom to 3 beautiful boys, 15, 14, and 12. I am also mom to Jake, an 8 year old Boston Terrier, to Luci, a 3 year old Boxer, Jester, a 4 year old neutered Tom Cat, and last but not least, Spooki, a 1 year old Tortoiseshell cat, who is very feisty and rotten. I have always wanted to blog, so now I am getting down to business. We live on a 50 acre farm out in the middle of nowhere, called Mattie. We are 15 miles from the nearest grocery store, and we love it. We are a Christian family, we attend Cando Free Will Baptist Church.
I am going to try to post here everyday, as I get more comfortable with this idea, I will share my day, my family with you. Thanks for reading.